Thursday, November 25, 2010

Baby Girl Curlies Tucked Away.....

Hey Guys, so this post might seem a little bit left field coming from me since I do not have any kids but just hear me out... =)

I have a co-worker who has biracial children they are gorgeous a boy and a girl. We were in the office talking about hr kids she was showing me pictures etc. And she mentioned how happy her daughter was to have her hair back in braids and she showed me the pics and then she proceeded to show me pics of hr daugters hair in its natural state. She had gorgeous sandy brown kinky curly coily thick hair! it was so pretty. She be gan to tell me how much when at home her daughter loved her hair, loved wearing twist, loved wearing finger coils but when she got to school she literally hid her hair. Other children made fun of her, told her that her hair was ugly, told her that she herself was ugly. she walked around school with the hood of her jacket covering her hair, or she tried to hide her hair with her arms. She said it was because all of the other girls even the girls of color had long straight hair.

Just hearing the stories made me feel so bad for her, I understand how hard it is being made fun of or teased about something you have no control over. God made you just as he intended you to be and ppl should accept you as you are. And while thats a fairy tale the reality is that this happens to alot of children and its sad that parents are not teaching there children to embrace everyone and especially parents of color! it does not shock me that children are so cruel especially now adays it seems to be accepted and expected of young children to behave in such a ugly way :(

I just instantly felt for her daughter not because she is my coworkers child but because to have her joy taken away but others harsh and cruel words isnt right and hopefully she will grow up and see nomater what ppl say her hair and herself are gorgeous! and there are grown women who WISH they had her hair.

I hope her mother doesnt ever give in to letting her get a relaxer and helps her to explore the diversity and uniqueness of her hair.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where you been girl!?

Hey guys!

i know Ive been M.I.A but I have semi good reason! Ive been protectivte styling and I didnt want to bore you guys with my "install" updates because its pretty much routine unless i do a specific style which I didnt. But none the less I am going to pic up the blogging and hopefully you guys will enjoy the new post I have coming!
